DChannel Help

Getting Started

Initial Setup Guide

Step 1 : create .env file and add all necessary api keys.Use .env.example as a base.

# Django Secret Key SECRET_KEY=your_django_secret_key # Debug Mode (Set to False in Production) DEBUG=True # Allowed Hosts ALLOWED_HOSTS=localhost, CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS=https://*.mydomain.com,https://*. # Stripe API Keys STRIPE_SECRET_KEY=your_stripe_secret_key STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY=your_stripe_public_key # PayPal API Credentials PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID=your_paypal_client_id PAYPAL_SECRET_ID=your_paypal_secret_id # Email Configuration (Mailgun, Resend, or another provider) RESEND_API_KEY= EMAIL_BACKEND=anymail.backends.resend.EmailBackend FROM_EMAIL=onboarding@resend.dev DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL=onboarding@resend.dev SERVER_EMAIL=onboarding@resend.dev
cp .env.example .env #edit above .env file and add api keys for email backend,stripe,paypal and allowdhost,csrf trusted host accordingly

Step 2 : using uv package manager or pip (macos and linux)

using uv package manager

uv venv . .venv/bin/activate ##for windows you only have to change the virutlenv activating method to .\venv\Scripts\activate uv sync python manage.py makemigrations python manage.py migrate python manage.py createsuperuser python manage.py runserver

using pip package manager

pip3 install virtualenv virtualenv .venv . .venv/bin/activate ##for windows you only have to change the virutlenv activating method to .\venv\Scripts\activate pip install -r requirements.txt python manage.py makemigrations python manage.py migrate python manage.py createsuperuser python manage.py runserver

Step 3 : adding medical service to the system using admin panel

  1. go to link then you can see that services page is empty.we have to add new services to the system

  2. go to link and enter the super user email and password you have created in the previous step

  3. go to services and create services you offer as a clinic or hospital..upload images,add pricing and save.All the services you submited will show on the landing page services sections

Step 4 : adding doctors to the system and allocating them for each services

use the admin panel to create doctor accounts and allocate them to each services you have created before.(doctors also can use the default signup menue to create their accounts update their profile but admin must have allocate each doctor to the respected service)

Step 5 : adding patient to the system

Patients can be added using normal signup menu and admin can use admin panel to add patient details as well

Now you have a initial working system you can add feature and extend this as you like

Last modified: 18 March 2025